Why this blog:?

I developed an interest in this area after putting up weight which was a result of hypothyroidism. My thyroid levels got normal with time but the weight which I put during those times was hindering me from enjoying my day-to-day activities. I was always in a conscious state, especially when it came to eating outside with my friends, I almost forgot the taste of butter and ghee as I avoided them, I was not comfortable in my clothes sometimes and started choosing baggy loose clothes to cover up my love handles.

I did gym, it helped but not as I expected so my sister-in-law who is a dietitian convinced me to start a diet. But being from a research background I started reading about it before starting it, I found it fascinating and decided to give it a try.

And Eureka! Eventually, I lost 9 kgs in 3 months. I am really happy now, I did not even regain that weight. I can eat everything and realized that I was missing the delicious taste of butter in my life, now I can enjoy it freely. So basically this time of dieting gave me two beautiful things, one is my toned body and an interest to read about diet and health.

So here I am writing down the information which I gathered after reading different articles and research papers.

Diet Me Right

Name-Prashansa DalalQualification-M.Tech


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