Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Happiness Hormones! Where are you?

 Hormones, do they really affect happiness? Various people describe happiness in different ways. For some, it is the mental state of well being, for some it means intense joy and love. For the others, it’s a bag full of million dollars (well, for most of us) but Mr. Science
here has a different way of looking at things.

According to Science, there are biochemical processes taking place in our body, which stimulates the release of hormones such as Dopamine, Serotonin, and Endorphins. These hormones are known as Happiness Hormones. At this point, I wish I could tell you that you just call out their names & they come with their happy faces to crack a joke, but let’s face the truth, that is not going to happen. Then how do we ensure they are stimulated more often. Read on to know how!

Hormones and their affect
These hormones get released in good amount when a person is involved in some sort of physical activity. You read that right, Exercise pushes the brain to enhance the secretion of happiness hormones, especially dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for the sense of happiness and energy that a person feels after running or doing intense cardio workouts. It makes you more focused, concentrated and gives your body a drive to finish your workout even if your mind and body want to give up. Personal trainers know this fact and they know there little push or motivation can help your dopamine levels to do a few extra sets.

After the workout is over, the body releases serotonin and endorphins. While serotonin makes you feel satisfied and happy, it also regulates your sleep-wake cycle, body temperatures, and sensitivity. On the other hand, endorphins help in reducing body stress and pain, so that your body can enjoy the feel of the workout even after its over.

Yoga can also help you make feel relaxed and happy as it helps in decreasing the levels of the stress hormones viz, cortisol and adrenaline in your body, which are the antagonist of happiness hormones. Thus a reduced level of stress hormones can amplify the effect of serotonin & endorphins.

Diet has a crucial role in hormone release, insulin, for example, is totally governed by the amount of sugar intake in the body. Likewise, a balanced diet will undoubtedly keep your hormones level balanced, and in turn, will make you feel happy. Diets like ketogenic/zone can help in making your insulin and cortisol levels checked.

Hormones play a vital role in deciding shape of our body, our behavior and our state of mind. May it be Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, weight lifting, running, swimming or any other form of sport, the choice is yours and the effect is almost the same. When your mind, breath and body are all aligned during a physical activity, master gland works at its best and regulates the release of hormones.

Happy Hormones

Apart from physical activity, diet also plays a crucial role in maintaining the levels of different hormones. A balanced diet and an active lifestyle are key ingredients for a healthy life.

Exercise, yoga, and meditation can eventually help your body to fall in a euphoric state, which is the ultimate state of well-being. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” it is rightly said as now you know that indeed no play can result in reduced levels of your happiness hormones and thus can make you feel and look dull. 

Happy Hormones:serotonin,dopamine,norepinephrine

So guys, give them a shout when you are working out the next time, they may be waiting to get released from the stress as well. Start your workout today and make your happiness hormones feel happy and kick the stress hormones out! It’s time to control your hormones, do not let them control you.


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